From time to time, an anomaly may occur that causes the BlueOnyx underlying CODB database to become corrupted. When this happens, symptoms can include the inability to start cced.init service, or failing to add/modify/remove users and sites on the server.
Finding corruption in the BlueOnyx CODB database can be aided with the "" script created by Michael Stauber. This information is largely provided from information located at [BlueOnyx:10463] on the BlueOnyx Users Mailing List.
- As root via your BlueOnyx server's CLI, create a new file on your BlueOnyx server called "" and paste the code within the lines below.
. - Make the script executeable ("chmod 700 /root/") and run it. CCEd does NOT have to run for this test.
. - It will generate output similar to this:
[root@server ~]# /root/
/usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids reports:
The lines with the numbers are what we are looking for. They MUST be identical. If they are not, then that is the problem, and you should proceed to the next step. If the lines are identical, then this is not the source of your trouble. Do not proceed to the next step.
. - Edit /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids and remove everything in it. Then copy the first numbered line into that file.
. - restart CCEd with this command:
/etc/init.d/cced.init restart
Code for
#!/bin/bash LAST=-1 MIN=-1 for X in `ls /usr/sausalito/codb/objects/ | sort -n` do MYNEXT=$(( $LAST + 1 )) if [ $MYNEXT -eq $X ] then LAST=$X else if [ $LAST -ge 1 ] then if [ $MIN -eq $LAST ] then echo -n $LAST, else echo -n $MIN-$LAST, fi fi LAST=$X MIN=$X fi done if [ $MYNEXT -lt $X ] then echo -n $LAST else echo -n $MIN-$LAST fi echo "" echo "/usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids reports:" cat /usr/sausalito/codb/codb.oids echo ""