We take our network status very seriously. VIRTBIZ brings over 192Gbps of routing capacity to the table via our 100% Cisco network. We use multiple providers and points of entry into our facilities. This helps to reduce the possibility of an outage. You can learn more about our facilities here.
Nevertheless, we constantly monitor our network internally and from multiple remote locations to ensure maximum uptime. In addition to our own monitoring systems, public reports on our critical points are also available from our partners at Hetrix Tools and Hyperspin.
Network and Service Announcements are here…
Custom Uptime Monitoring
Is your server uptime important to you? Do you want to know more about your network status? We use Hetrix Tools and now you can, too. Monitor your server and generate your own reports on the fly. The Hetrix Tools use 12 monitoring locations around the world to constantly check up on your websites & servers. Accordingly, any outage is immediately detected.
Most of the Uptime Monitoring services out there check your monitored target from just one location and will only re-check it from other locations if the main location fails. Meanwhile, our platform is checking your websites/servers throughout the minute from all of the selected monitoring locations.
Customers who operate their own server can also set up proactive monitoring. We can help you prevent outages before they happen by keeping an eye on your server’s resources. We will send alerts if the usage ever becomes dangerously high. If we find an outage, our system will likewise collect the exact errors along with ping and MTR samples. Above all, this helps you debug the issue fast. Consequently, your server is able to maintain the best uptime.

Whether you’re hosting a personal blog or an enterprise retail platform, you can rely on our fast servers and first-class support team to keep your website hosting online, all the time.
When you want solid hosting from people who care, don’t settle for less than VIRTBIZ!